Thursday 6 December 2018

A Celebration with the Reason of this Season

     December is the month where the season of joy and peace is within. December is the month where Christ the King was born. December is the month that is full of excitement. Giving and receiving gifts, loving and forgiving human beings. That is the spirit of Christmas, being loved and sharing love. 

     Everyday, He is with us. Guiding us to avoid consequences, helping us to live the better life. December is the month where love was born. Appreciation for each and everyone will be shown during Christmas time. It's all about love, the essence of the season. Having a really good time with our loved ones, especially family and friends will be the most memorable thing that you did in this season. A season full of happiness, wherein we forget our problems temporarily because of the love that we feel from our loved ones, strangers, and above all, our Lord, Jesus Christ.

     The whole world is celebrating. Every person is showing love to one another. Peaceful season, we are enjoying. Cherish every moment that is full of happiness and excitement. Continue to love because it brings out the best in us. Celebrate the season because our Lord, Jesus Christ is the reason. Have a Merry Christmas!


     The recognition of the dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all humanity belongs to the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Disregarding and blaspheming of human rights results in inhuman practices that subvert the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world that people will enjoy freedom of speech and safety of fear and distress has been declared the highest goal of the common people.

     Everyone deserves the rights and freedom. We truly deserve these without any form of prejudice, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national origin or society, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, there is no discretion to do in the political, jurisdictional or international circumstances of a country or territory that includes a person, whether it is independent, trustworthy, self-governed or under any sovereignty. Everyone has the right to live, liberty and self-esteem. No one will be enslaved or defrauded, prohibits any form of slavery and the slave trade.

     And now, we are living this generation  with equal rights, and we are having equal opportunities. Women are leading a country and they already have  the right to do the works of a man. Men are doing those house chores like washing dishes and doing the laundries. We have to live knowing our responsibilities and limitations. And by doing this, we can live our lives better and we can live peacefully. Have respect to each and everyone. Continue to share love.

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