Thursday 9 August 2018


It’s been two months since the school year began. Happiness and knowledge had been send to me by my classmates, friends, and especially teachers. Most of our time was spent in school. In that case, we have a lot of learnings and the subject ICT is just extraordinary.

No question. I have a lot of things that have learned in the subject of Information and Communications Technology. In this subject it allowed me to know untold informations about internet and blogging. I knew how this said lesson works and how it was started or created. In blogging, I was able to know its types and also its advantages. Blogging helped me to improve my communication and writing skills and it also helped me to boost my confidence. I had the ability to share my opinions either my ideas and it also allowed me to see others opinion.

In the journey of this grading I can’t avoid challenges. But I can find a way to minimize them. First challenge is making a draft or article. I am a person that is not really good in writing. I have the difficulty to compose a set of informations because I have no idea what to write. So, to steer clear of this challenge, before writing or making a draft, I should research some information or ask somebody what are the things that they know on the topic so that I can gain ideas on what to write. Second is time management. Because of the first problem, I can use a lot of time to finish just a one draft or article. I admit that I am easy to be distracted by anything around me but to avoid this, I will try to focus on only one thing. I will set a deadline for every activity or requirement so that I can minimize my  time to do things.

Moving on, I will use the things that I’ve learned to develop a better practice. I hope and look forward to more exciting classes.