Saturday 20 October 2018

The love of getting knowledge

A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. -Brad Henry

This grading, I got a lot of learnings about Internet Access and tags. I am thankful for this subject which is ICT because it gives me knowledge about technology. We all know that we are in the generation that everything is high-tech. Every time I enter the computer room in school, I am so glad because the lessons are just so fun to deal with. Some students say that the lessons of Grade 10 ICT is challenging but I think they just said that because they don't have the will to learn. In studying, you can gain a lot knowledge about things unless you don't have the will to learn.

Challenges goes harder and tougher when you go deeper. During this grading, I got some challenges and the hardest problem I experienced was self-doubt but I managed it. I told myself that if others can, I'm sure that I can do it also. You just have to gain confidence in order to proceed.

Moving on, I promise myself that in my journey to the next gradings, I will show the best that I can give. That I can exceed the all challenges that I will  be facing in my Grade 10 journey. I will end my  junior high school life with the sweetest and widest smile.

" Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity"

It's the time to celebrate the United Nations Month. It is the celebration about different cultures of countries coming from different continents. This year's theme is " Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity". It's all about  respecting human beings by the unity of everyone. 

The theme is telling us that no one will left behind even though you are included in the furthest. Let us be a group to fight against poverty and human rights and also dignity.  Let us help everyone because we are just the ones who can help ourselves or one another. We are just humans who have physical differences and we also have different purposes in  lives. 

Respect each and everyone. Give respect to human rights;  That is the aim of the theme. It reminds us to respect the rights of individuals and also with dignity, as long as we are living in this world. 

Poor, rich, white, black, criminals, wise ones or what other characteristics you have, you have to show respect to your fellow men always. Show respect every second, every minute, every hour or every day in order for you to be respected too. " Human rights are gained at promoting human dignity"-- President  Rodrigo Duterte.


Every student has a dream, and their journey to that dream was driven by a hero. Every professionals can't be on that highest peak of a mountain if they didn't follow the way given by those heroes. A students life is not easy but thankfully they have a hero that gives the never ending love and guidance to be successful. The hero that never wear capes but I think we can call theme the greatest heroes. They share their knowledge, they give care on us and of course they are filling us with their love.

September to October 5, let us appreciate the hardworks of these heroes for fulfilling our minds with knowledge. Let us thank them for being there when our parents are not in our sides. This is the perfect time to say "Thank you teacher!" and  try to give back for the love, care and efforts they gave on us.

Back to the time we enter the school, teachers are always there to help us and they give instructions for us to grow and glow. Until now, they are still there and they also the ones who is proud in the achievements we got. They will never gets tired to complete us or they will never gets tired lighting our way to our dream destination which is our dreams.

We cant imagine this world without teachers. We will not having those successful doctors, engineers, lawyers, and other professionals without teacher. Those professionals gives a big help in our lives. Always appreciate their efforts, time, and sacrifices in giving us knowledge that can really helps us in our future. " The best view comes after the hardest climb". Thank you Teacher, you are our one of the greatest heroes of all time.

Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements

The month of September comes and the National Science Club Month will be celebrated. " Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements" is this year's theme. The theme is asking the youth especially students to show and be proud in the potentials that they have and to create new inventions in their own beautiful ways.

As years passes by, we can't deny that a lot of inventions or innovations let us live our lives easier. And because of that some individuals really need those things like they will end their lives if they won't have it. With the help of Michael Faraday's concept on electromagnetism, even more innovations are developed which furthermore help the people in their everyday life.

The little ideas in the minds of the youth should be put to reality and let it shine. This is one of the goals of this year's theme. This is why all students are encouraged to use their knowledge in activating inventions and innovations for the efficiency of life.

Through the theme, the youth are encouraged to continue creating technological developments in order to achieve a better life for everyone.