Saturday 20 October 2018

" Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity"

It's the time to celebrate the United Nations Month. It is the celebration about different cultures of countries coming from different continents. This year's theme is " Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity". It's all about  respecting human beings by the unity of everyone. 

The theme is telling us that no one will left behind even though you are included in the furthest. Let us be a group to fight against poverty and human rights and also dignity.  Let us help everyone because we are just the ones who can help ourselves or one another. We are just humans who have physical differences and we also have different purposes in  lives. 

Respect each and everyone. Give respect to human rights;  That is the aim of the theme. It reminds us to respect the rights of individuals and also with dignity, as long as we are living in this world. 

Poor, rich, white, black, criminals, wise ones or what other characteristics you have, you have to show respect to your fellow men always. Show respect every second, every minute, every hour or every day in order for you to be respected too. " Human rights are gained at promoting human dignity"-- President  Rodrigo Duterte.

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