Thursday 14 March 2019


Everything lasts. But there is a beauty in every ending. You can gain, you can learn. Lessons you learned are ready to be practiced. Another journey has ended and it's the start of a new journey with harder and tougher challenges. We just got into our destination. Grade 10, it was a nice ride. I am so grateful to learn new things about Photoshop. In our section, we are truly enjoying, we are having fun gaining new knowledge in our subject ICT 10. But, we can't deny the fact that we are struggling sometimes in editing pictures. Challenges goes harder and harder when you go farther. During fourth grading period, I got some challenges. First is self-doubt and how can I managed it. So, to lighten my mind and soul, I motivated myself by the saying "If others can, I can do it also". I made it! I just have to gain confidence in order to proceed. Another challenge is that I easily lost my focus especially when my phone is just placed right next to me. ICT, I truly thank you because you made us happy. We, Martinelli, enjoyed what is in you. Your lessons made us the better version of ourselves. It may need more time to get to know more about you but our time has limit. We thank you for the happiness you gave on us while learning something. We promise that we will not forget what you taught us; this can be a lesson in school or lesson in life. The knowledge you gave on us is appreciated. Moving on, I will use the things that I’ve learned to develop a better practice. I will share the knowledge and wisdom that I gained in this subject.


Aspiration. Ambition. Ideal. Everyone dreams because it serves as their inspiration towards their future. Dreams come true thru determination and hardwork. Don't call it a dream, call it a plan. Don't give up what you are today. Keep on getting better as long as you have your hope, dreams and determination in focus. Everyone has a dream. Life is formed from our little dreams. There is no such thing that is more beautiful than creating a dream. Do not live without plans and dreams in life because it will lead you to nowhere. Every person has a unique dream that wants to get or reach in life, because of these, we struggle in any kind of field in order to pursue them. Even young children also have their desired goals. Dreams will serve as our inspiration. We became more determined and steady if there is a storm coming into our lives. I have a lot of dreams in life and one of these is to become a successful doctor. I know that I'm going to have a hard time in pursuing this profession but I think it will make me feel that all of the hardworks I put in making this dream come true will be worth it. I will be myself in doing this goal. I am determined, hardworking and a positive thinker. As a positive thinker, I know that I can do this. I can do this because I have God with me. I believe I can so I will. This is Kyla Claire Reclusado, aiming to be a successful doctor someday.


The darkness fades and then I awake. It's 7:00 in the morning and everyone is calling. I have to hurry because it is an exciting day. The day will be fulfilled with happiness and so with me. It's Saturday but I am going to school, not to have classes but to enjoy and gain memories. 117th Foundation Day of Ilocos Sur National High School, it is the most awaited day of the students and teachers of the said school. As the High School Day arrives, everyone is enveloped with excitement and worry. Normally the program starts with a parade where the students and all teachers participated. After some hours, the parade is done. Students were tired yet they had fun. The event resumed at one o'clock in the afternoon and they started with an opening remarks from the school principal and the inspiring talks from the great guest speaker. After some times, it's the time for the students to show what they got, to show their talents. All grade levels practiced a dance production with the help of MAPEH teachers. Even teachers from different departments made a dance production to join the field demonstration. This is a special day and most busiest occasion celebrated in school. Where the entire school family joined the said parade and to perform their field demonstration. There is a great deal of fun activities such as the coronation of the Mr. and Ms. ISNHS, performing of field demonstration of each grade level, boundless excitements and anticipation that awaits the students for the event. Long time are done to master their field demonstration to be presented for the visitors. The highlight of the event is the Field Demonstration. The activities are commenced and winners are announce afterwards. Parents joined the celebration to watch their children in performing their dance production in the field demonstration.