Tuesday 10 July 2018

Celebrating by Remembering

Freedom covers a wide range of meanings. It may be freedom from conquerors, freedom from violence  and war or freedom from ideology, culture and influences of foreigners. In July , the freedom we celebrate is freedom against the Spanish Colonialist in 1898. It is the freedom of various movements and revolutions that deserved social change. Independence Day is one of most significant dates in Philippine history.

In celebrating the day of freedom, the day is not important that we should be celebrated. What matters is the reason why we celebrate and how we apply it. We must live with the history of our country. We should go back to historical events because it fells us who we are. We Filipinos must be a true Filipino with love for the people and fellow Filipinos.

The freedom we have is that we should be grateful for the sacrificial heroes to attain it. We can gain this freedom if we put all our dedication into it. This is the reason why we need to celebrate freedom, not just on July 4 but everyday. We celebrate Independence for us to show our love for our country. We should remember Independence Day by remembering the sacrifices of our heroes, not by having no classes.

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