Wednesday 25 July 2018


Philippines is a country who is concern about the health of its citizen. Every month of July, the country celebrates the nutrition month. Applying the themes in our lifestyle plays an important role. It secures us from any diseases and it also indicates that doing healthy diet can prevent us from malnutrition. According to a survey from Wikipedia, there are 815 million people who are malnourished and 406,000 died because of this condition. So, if we apply the themes in our lifestyle, we can take care of our health. May our health be our wealth for us to live our life free from diseases and in that we can maximize our talents or skills to pursue our goals.

“Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin!”. This year’s theme has the aim of the importance of gardening in Pilipino families. The improvement of food and nutrition security by increasing access to a diversified source of food. The focus is on agriculture, fruit, vegetables, and crops. The theme says “ Be a farmer. Provide your community with nutritious foods”. It would be greater if you include your family in planting.

  But there is a problem. There may be vegetables or fruits but some of us are more likely to eat or buy non nutritious foods. They say “ Why do we have to eat vegetables? Is it enough for the needs of our body? Does it maintain our healthy condition? What are the benefits we get by eating those? Will our country’s problem be solved if we serve this daily?”. Well, it is a big YES. Serving nutritious foods can make us stronger, we can study well, we’ll be able to think well. Then our minds will apply the lessons we learned. In that case, we can solved the problem of our country, because when your mind is good, nothing is difficult. Then we can have a prosperous life.

 “ All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seed of today”. Start planting so that you will harvest in the future. What we enjoy tomorrow is a result of how we start today. If we start it in our own way and then people will realize that planting is a good deed. Everyone will encourage to plant also in their gardens. Sooner or later, everyone will be enthusiastic and healthy.